Jason Rodgers Msc
Producer — Audio Production Specialist, Bitesize Bio
Appears in 8 Episodes
Top 10 Uses of Microbes in Biotechnology
#111 — In this episode, we dive deep into the fascinating world of microbes and their revolutionary applications in biotechnology. From environmental solutions to brea...

Maxam–Gilbert Sequencing: What It Is and 3 Modern Applications
#103 — DNA sequencing is a fundamental technique in modern molecular biology that has revolutionized the study of genes.In the old days, Maxam–Gilbert sequencing was t...

7 Top Tips to Make the Most of Your Flow Cytometry Training
#99 — So you’ve got your flow cytometry training booked and are one step closer to that precious data.But if you want to hit the ground running and get some useful dat...

How to Preserve Microorganisms: Store Your Cells Better
#96 — An appropriate microorganism preservation method can make all the difference in maintaining the viability of your microbial strains because it plays a crucial ro...

Practical Applications and Considerations of Phenol-Chloroform Extraction
#94 — While there are lots of methods to choose from for cleaning up your RNA or DNA samples, for many researchers, phenol-chloroform is the go-to technique. In this e...

How to Identify Supercoils, Nicks and Circles in DNA Plasmid Preps
#90 — Are you confused about the banding pattern of DNA on agarose gels? DNA can take many structural forms depending on its source and how you have isolated and purif...

How to Totally Nail Your First in situ Hybridization
#88 — Getting the best out of your in situ hybridizations requires choosing the correct protocol, deciding if sections or whole mount is better, using the right equipm...

How to Write a Thoughtful Discussion for Your Scientific Paper
#40 — Are you struggling to write the discussion section of your paper? It can be daunting to put your results in context and to thoughtfully consider limitations and ...