A good mentor can be the difference between success and failure. But what to do if you don't have help on hand?

Mentors At Your Benchside provides curated help and advice from experienced researchers on various topics, from lab skills and techniques to career progression.

Each short episode is bursting with easy-to-access help and advice that can improve your results and help you get the most out of your time in the lab.

Latest Episodes

Let’s Talk About Stats: Methods for Comparing Two Sets of Data

#110 — Comparing two sets of data is a fundamental process in statistical analysis, crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions across various fields. Whether it's for ...

Personal Advice on Building Your Professional Network. It Takes a Village

#109 — How do you build a scientific network that gives you the best chance of getting your research funded? How can you identify who to include in your network, and h...

4 Fixatives for Histology and Cytometry: Perfect Your Preservation

#108 — What should you use to fix your cells? Alcohols or aldehydes? Gluteraldehyde or formaldehyde? And how long will your cells stay fixed?This episode explains the ...

Microscope Disinfection: A Quick Guide

#107 — Need to give your microscope a quick clean to get rid of some grime but unsure what cleaning agent to use? Have you had a nasty sample on there recently and nee...

Tissue Processing For Histology: What Exactly Happens?

#106 — Transforming a tissue sample into a slide ready for microscopic exploration involves a series of critical steps. Among these, tissue processing is a fundamental...

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