What Ponceau S Staining Can Reveal About Your Western Blot
#60 — There's nothing quite as frustrating as imaging a western blot only to find your bands are a wonky mess, your blot is covered in bubbles, or your bands are missing entirely. We've got a solution to help: Ponceau S. This stain gives a midpoint step that can help narrow down the cause of your problems.
Listen to this episode of Mentors At Your Benchside to discover a step-by-step guide for performing Ponceau S staining and how to interpret what the staining means when troubleshooting your failed blots.
Visit the full article to get a written protocol and see examples of Ponceau S staining. [1] Plus, for more help and advice on performing western blots, download our Free Western Blot Protocol Cheat Sheet. [2]
1. What Ponceau S Staining Can Reveal About Your Western Blot. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/72803/ponceau-s-staining/
2. Bitesize Bio's Western Blot Protocol Cheat Sheet. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/western-blot-protocol/
Listen to this episode of Mentors At Your Benchside to discover a step-by-step guide for performing Ponceau S staining and how to interpret what the staining means when troubleshooting your failed blots.
Visit the full article to get a written protocol and see examples of Ponceau S staining. [1] Plus, for more help and advice on performing western blots, download our Free Western Blot Protocol Cheat Sheet. [2]
1. What Ponceau S Staining Can Reveal About Your Western Blot. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/72803/ponceau-s-staining/
2. Bitesize Bio's Western Blot Protocol Cheat Sheet. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/western-blot-protocol/
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