Top 10 Worst Lab Smells
#33 — Your lab. It probably doesn't look very nice, and often enough, it probably doesn't smell very nice either. Lumps of E. coli, fishy amines, eggy reducing agents. All uniquely rotten. What's your candidate for the worst lab smell? In this episode of Mentors At Your Benchside, we go through our top ten picks for the worst lab smell. Do you agree with us?
Be sure to visit the original article, where you can see what others have to say about our top ten picks. [1] You can also contribute your own worst-smelling chemical in the comments! Also check out the top ten stupid safety mistakes we've made. [2]
1. The Top 10 Worst Lab Smells. Available at:
2. 10 Stupid Lab Safety Mistakes. Available at:
Be sure to visit the original article, where you can see what others have to say about our top ten picks. [1] You can also contribute your own worst-smelling chemical in the comments! Also check out the top ten stupid safety mistakes we've made. [2]
1. The Top 10 Worst Lab Smells. Available at:
2. 10 Stupid Lab Safety Mistakes. Available at:
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