The How and Why of Removing Serum From Your Media

#56 — Do you add serum, such as fetal bovine serum, to your cell culture medium? This ingredient may be critical for cell growth and proliferation, but it could negatively impact your results and reproducibility.

Listen as we discuss the pros and cons of using serum and how to remove serum from your cultures and boost your reproducibility.

Read the full article on removing serum, [1] discover the importance of the 3Rs in research, [2] and check out the Fetal Calf Serum-Free Database. [3]

1. Going Serum-Free: The How and Why of Removing Serum From Your Media. Available at:
2. Reduce, Reuse, Refine Your Animal Model Resources with the ‘3Rs’. Available at:
3. Fetal Calf Serum-Free Database. Available at:

Creators and Guests

Dr. Laura Grassie
Dr. Laura Grassie
Content Creation Manager, Bitesize Bio
The How and Why of Removing Serum From Your Media