Simplicity in Science: How to Increase your Research Effectiveness by Doing Less

#89 — "Achieve more by doing less" sounds like a piece of cheap advice, but there is a lot of wisdom in it.

Research is complicated. You must choose the best questions to ask, techniques, controls, organisms, and equipment, to name just a few things that make up good experiments. With so much to focus on, it becomes harder to do each of these things well.

This episode explains three actionable steps you can take to simplify your research and become more effective at it.

Check out the corresponding online article for links to related resources. [1] and listen to our The Happy Scientist podcast for advice to stay happy, focused, and satisfied in the lab. [2]

1. Simplicity in Science: How to Increase your Research Effectiveness by Doing Less. Available at:
2. The Happy Scientist: Available at:

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Simplicity in Science: How to Increase your Research Effectiveness by Doing Less