How DNA Extraction Kits Work in the Lab
#43 — DNA extraction kits. A magic black (or red or blue) box that helps you isolate DNA without you even thinking. That's great—until things go wrong. Then you have to know what's happening. So in this episode of Mentors At Your Benchside, we're going to explain how DNA extraction kits work in the lab.
Check out the original article to read how DNA extraction kits work. [1] Why not learn how to troubleshoot RNA isolation [2] and discover in detail how alkaline lysis works [3] while you're at it?
1. How DNA Extraction Kits Work in the Lab. Available at:
2. Troubleshooting RNA Isolation. Available at:
3. Lab Basics: How Alkaline Lysis Works:
Check out the original article to read how DNA extraction kits work. [1] Why not learn how to troubleshoot RNA isolation [2] and discover in detail how alkaline lysis works [3] while you're at it?
1. How DNA Extraction Kits Work in the Lab. Available at:
2. Troubleshooting RNA Isolation. Available at:
3. Lab Basics: How Alkaline Lysis Works:
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